learn expert skills from the experts themselves

In Conjunction With:

1 Coaching

On the other side of coaching is massive success. What happens when your great business meets my coaching skills...? You have massive SUCCESS.

Jason Fenwick, Windsor & Ward LLC - Miami FL

Tammy Harris, Success Brokers Unlimited - Houston TX

2 Lead Generation & Lead Follow Up

Lead generation is a contact sport... Sustaining a million-dollar business is all about lead generation and lead follow up. The money is in the follow up.

Keith James - Washington, DC

Over 550 Million sold

Naeem Boucher

Over $200m Sold

3 Leverage

I do it, we do it, they do it. Success through others... people, tools, and systems every million-dollar business has partners

Johnny Collins, Community National Title - Dallas, TX

5 billion settled

Kenny Donnell

Terri Bridges-Gleaton

Over $275m Settled

4 Leads

What makes a lead a lead? There is no such thing as a bad lead, however there is a thing called bad communication. Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.

Daniel Dixon - Denver, CO

Over $560 Million sold

Harrison Beacher - Washington, D.C.

Over $610 Million Sold

5 Technology

Technology is the bridge to a more profitable business. The world is waiting to hear your million-dollar message; and you don’t have the ability to deliver it at a high-level… technology is the answer.

Trevor Otts, Black CEO Fort - Washington MD

Over 1 Billion sold

Naeem Boucher - Montclair NJ

Over $200 Million sold

Anthony Mason

Over $410M in Volume

6 Systems

The magic of business is the ability to replicate and duplicate your successes. Anyone can do something once... How to make the magic happen over and over again by systematizing your life and your business.

Emmett Carr - Atlanta, GA

Over 200 Million sold

Cheesette Cowan - Tampa, FL

Over 72 million sold

Corey Edwards

Over $600 Million Sold

7 Who Runs the World

Powerful women with MADD skills make more money. The truth about the anatomy of real estate.

Kymber Menkiti - Washington, DC

Over 10 Billion sold

Jemila Winsey, ERA Legacy Living - Houston TX

Over 1.2 Billion sold

Karen Hatcher

8 Investment

Are you buying what you are selling...? What will be your legacy? How to create a financial legacy through flips, buy and hold, syndication, and REITS.

Ryan Butler - Washington, DC

Over 550 Million sold

Rashauna Scott

Over $50 Million in Investments Settled

Ashley Jennings

Over $21.5m Investments Closed

9 Development

Exploring major opportunities with major impact to create major profit. Understanding how big deals get done and knowing who’s the who behind the deal.

Brandon Bellamy, Velocity Companies/Owner Professional Baseball Team - Charolotte, NC

Over 600 Million Developed

Natasha Thompson, Menkiti Group - Silver Springs MD

Over 360 Million developed and 3.8 Million Sqft developed

10 Open AI & ChatGPT

Open-source data, automated marketing, and automated response on steroids. Digital leverage to grow your life, grow your business and grow your profit. 

Marki Lemons Ryhal, Real Estate Tech Guru - Chicago IL 

Trevor Otts, Black CEO - Fort Washington MD

Over 1 billion sold

11 Top Black Real Estate Professionals

Us Recognizing Us

Ben Slayton, Legacy Home Loans, Las Vegas NV